Guide for exams in subject Electronics I. (But could be useful for other subjects.)
1. Give calculations and formulae in the following format (to decrease the chance of bad formulae and miscalculation and to increase the chance of finding the source of error):
2. A numerical result with missing or bad unit or prefix can not be accepted.
3. An exercise can not be accepted if there are "serious mistakes" or miscalculations of an order of magnitude or more.
4. Values used in a calculation should be given / calculated in advance. Don't "jump around" the paper.
5. In circuit diagrams, show inputs, outputs, power supply connections, name the components.
6. In graphs, show the directions and quantities (and if necessary, the scale) of axes. If there are more than one functions shown in a coordinate system, show unambigously which is which (make a legend).You may use more colors, but make sure not to use red!
7. In drawings of internal structure, name the parts.
8. Exercises with circuit calculations can only be accepted with a proper circuit that satisfies the criteria of the exercise.